Adolescent Transitions – Engagement Opportunity
We are looking for individuals (and their families/carers) who have experience of transitioning from Children’s Mental Health Service (CAMHS) into Adult Mental Health Service (for example, the Community Mental Health Team – CMHT). We are exploring the experiences of individuals prior to, during, and after this transition period.
You can access the survey here: The survey aims to explore;
• The experiences of transitions for individuals and their families/carers between children’s mental health and adult mental health services within Dundee
• What was supportive for individuals and their families/carers during this transition period
• What could have supported a more successful transition for individuals and their families/carers
• What supports could be provided during this transition period
Who is this survey for;
• Any individuals / families / carers with experience of accessing children’s mental health support (CAMHs) within Dundee, and transitioning into adult mental health services (Community Mental Health Teams) within Dundee
• Any individuals who is currently accessing children’s mental health service (CAMHs) and is expected to transition into adult mental health services (Community Mental Health Team)
• Any individual who was accessing children’s mental health service and/or adult mental health service and did not complete a transition for any reason
Your responses to this survey will remain anonymous (including any contact details provided by individuals for follow up/ results of this survey)
How will the information for this survey be used?
• This survey is being facilitated by Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action
• The information collated within this survey will be presented to Adult Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) to assist services in working more closely together and inform transitions, the processes around them and policy locally
• The information collected via this survey will be used to shape and influence current practices surrounding transitions
If you have any questions, queries or would like to discuss – please contact:
Shannon Shankland- Mental Health Engagement Coordinator
Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action
Number 10, Constitution Road, Dundee, DD11LL