About Us

Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action is an independent charity that aims to ensure the third sector (charities, social enterprises, community and voluntary groups etc.) is robust, resilient and delivers high quality services for the people of Dundee.

We provide a wide range of support to third sector organisations and have expertise in a wide range of skills and topics including governance, funding, legislation, policy, planning and problem solving to name just a few key areas.

We have a primary role in ensuring the continuation and development of a vibrant third sector in Dundee, and achieve this by supporting organisations to be:

  • well governed and managed to enable them to deliver quality outcomes
  • better connected and able to influence and contribute to public policy

Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action is a Registered Charity (No. SC000487) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (No.
SC093088), and began life as Dundee Association for Social Services in 1953. The change in name was made
in 1988 to reflect our changing role as a member organisation promoting community welfare more directly
through voluntary action.

Meet the Team

Meet the Board Members

Meet the Corporate Services Team

Meet the Communities Team

Meet the Community Hubs Team

Meet the Social Inclusion Team

Meet the Mental Health and Substance Use Engagement and Involvement Team


Our Values

  • OPENNESS in our response, communication, processing of information and consultation
  • RESPECT for the range and diversity of organisations and interests within the voluntary sector
  • EQUITY in the way we work to redress inequality and disadvantage
  • INTEGRITY in the way we conduct our business in an open and professional manner, including confidentiality, honesty, open agendas and informed decision-making
  • ACCOUNTABILITY in the way we record, conduct and audit our services and activities.

These values are upheld by monitoring, evaluation and appropriate training.


Dundee Third Sector Interface

Dundee TSI is a partnership between Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action and Dundee Social Enterprise Network. This partnership fulfils the aims of Third Sector Interfaces – to develop and support voluntary organisations in their local areas, and to promote and support volunteering.


You can help support our work by donating through JustGiving here: