New initiative in Dundee aims to achieve better outcomes for people affected by substance use and homelessness

New initiative in Dundee aims to achieve better outcomes for people affected by substance use and homelessness

A Public Social Partnership has recently been established in Dundee in an attempt to involve the third sector more deeply in the design and commissioning of substance use and homelessness services. Funded initially for a year by the Corra Foundation, a multi-agency Steering Group has been formed to oversee the Project. Third sector organisations represented on the Steering Group include AddactionHillcrest FuturesPositive StepsTransformTayside Council on Alcohol and the Dundee Survival Group. The three main outcomes the project seeks to achieve are;

  1. Substance use and homelessness services will have increased capacity to deliver early intervention, signposting and recovery. Ensuring that;
  • Opportunities for early intervention are clearly identified within a care pathway.
  • Fewer people are accessing crises interventions.
  • More people are positively engaged in voluntary early intervention across the partnership.
  1. People affected by substance use and homelessness will be better able to access the services they need, when they need them. Ensuring that;
  • People seeking access to services are more aware of how to access support.
  • Service users experience better joined up access to services at a local area level.
  • Fewer people need to escalate to need crises /emergency intervention.
  1. People with lived experience will be involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of substance use and homelessness services. Ensuring that;
  • People with lived experience feel they have their voices heard and valued.
  • People with lived experience report that they have been well supported to co-produce tests of change.
  • Workers involved in the partnership report meaningful engagement with people with lived experience.

The work of the Public Social Partnership will be closely linked to the Dundee Alcohol and Drugs Partnership’s Action Plan for Change and there will be lots of opportunities for people with lived experience and third sector stakeholders to get involved. For more information please contact Neil Gunn, Public Social Partnership Co-ordinator at

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