Action Earth Autumn Newsletter

Autumn Arrives with Autumn Leaves!

With the recent heatwave behind us, Autumn Season is here. Different tasks are now needed to help ensure Scotland’s biodiversity is protected and boosted in more challenging weather.

You can still apply to Volunteering Matters Action Earth for Autumn and Winter projects CLICK FOR APPLICATION FORM. Activities can include tree-planting, wildlife habitat builds, site maintenance, pond work and improvements to local green spaces.

We are very keen to support activities taking place in areas of Scotland which experience multiple deprivation.  Our £250 grants can be used to purchase plants, tools and materials. All projects should have concluded by the end of January 2024.




Eat, Sleep, Ride, CIC support people to wellness through therapeutic activities connected to horses and the outdoors. They used their Volunteering Matters Action Earth grant to create and plant up a fantastic new butterfly bank in the Borders. Everyone was involved! The volunteers will also be recording the different species who flutter by – and working out who is regularly ‘Trooping the Colour’ at their site!


Feedback and Photos

If your project has now concluded and you want to claim your grant, please submit your feedback here and email copies of receipts and up to 5 pictures to: e:

This year we will be awarding vouchers (for use on your project) for the best Action Earth project photograph submitted. We are looking for images that sum up environmental impact, ideas & inspiration or the fun factor rather than the most technically perfect pictures. Finalists will be put to a public vote on our social media pages.
Volunteering Matters Action Earth is funded by NatureScot.







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