Children in Scotland – Free Membership for Smaller Organisations

Support for small organisations working with children and young people


Children in Scotland, the national children’s sector network, has launched a free membership category supporting small organisations to flourish with ‘invaluable’ opportunities for learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration.


Acutely aware of how challenging the current climate is for organisations working across children’s services, the introduction of Children in Scotland’s free member category aims to support as many organisations as possible in their pursuit to better the lives of children, young people and their families.

Organisations with an annual income below £50,000 have the opportunity to join Children in Scotland membership and utilise benefits including access to training and events, networking opportunities and exclusive member publications.

This free category expands on the 12-month free offer that was introduced in 2023 and has already positively impacted small organisations working across Scotland.

Highland Action for Little Ones, a charity supporting families and children in poverty and fleeing domestic violence, joined Children in Scotland’s membership in March 2023 and shares how its team has made the most of the benefits:

“We are a very small charity with limited income streams, so having the opportunity to engage with Children in Scotland through our free membership has been invaluable. Our membership keeps us updated with legislation, policy, and what’s going on in and around Scotland to support children. The membership benefits we value are the Insight magazine, full of interesting articles, our discounts, and access to training and podcasts.”


Simon Massey, Head of Engagement and Learning at Children in Scotland said: “We’ve been working hard to keep the activities Children in Scotland charge for as low-cost and accessible as possible, so I’m really pleased that we’ve been able to extend the free Membership offer to a wider group of organisations.

This will provide the opportunity for support and connections for smaller organisations across Scotland, who otherwise would not have been able to access our Membership service.

Please join us and help us deliver on our vision that all children in Scotland have an equal chance to flourish.”

If you are an organisation with an annual income below £50,000 and would like to join Children in Scotland membership, please complete an application form at


Alternatively, you can email to find out more.

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