Dundee Youth Music Theatre Trustee Recruitment 2025

Dundee Youth Music Theatre Trustee Recruitment 2025


As part of our growth and development, DUNDEE YOUTH MUSIC THEATRE is looking to expand our current board of charity trustees.

Are you looking for something new to get involved in in 2025?

Could you contribute some time and advice to a forward looking, exciting project?

You don’t have to have a singing and dancing background, this is very much a ‘supporting role’.


We want to hear from people who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of young people and feel that they could contribute as a charity trustee.

We are particularly keen to hear from those with backgrounds/experience of:

  • Marketing and communications
  • Third sector/social enterprise development
  • Fundraising & Sponsorship
  • Finance
  • Work in communities (formal/informal)
  • Youth work, child development and education
  • Administration
  • Business
  • Inclusive practice and supporting young people with ASN



Trustees are responsible for the strategic leadership and good governance of the organisation ensuring we are compliant with charity legislation and creating the best possible experiences for those we work with to achieve positive outcomes.

Trustees meet on a monthly basis in a mixture of online and in-person contexts.

The role is voluntary but extremely rewarding.



To find out more about the role, for an informal chat please contact:

DYMT Trustee Lina on 07976 709123



Please forward a current CV/expression of interest (no longer than two sides A4) to: enquiries@dymt.scot no later than 12 noon, Friday 28th February.

Following a review of submissions by Trustees candidates will be invited to attend an interview to discuss the role.



Based on 20+ years of producing musical theatre productions with young people in Dundee, Dundee Youth Music Theatre was founded in 2021 and then gained charitable status in 2022.  Led by a Board of Trustees, DYMT provides inclusive theatre arts experiences for children and young people ages 5-25 years across the Tayside and North Fife Area. This expanding portfolio of provision includes: weekly workshops and classes, full scale musical theatre productions, international twinning exchanges, showcase concert performances and targeted community projects.

DYMT is supported by organisations including The Northwood Charitable Trust, Rotary Club of Broughty Ferry, Dundee Music Grants, The Leng Charitable Trust and the Dundee Common Good Fund.



Scottish Charity: SCO51742

 E-mail: enquiries@dymt.scot


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