Whole Family Wellbeing Fund – Phase 2 Application Process Now Closed

Whole Family Wellbeing Fund


In July 2022, the Scottish Government announced that it is allocating £32m Whole Family Wellbeing Funding nationally as part of its commitment to support implementation of the findings of the Independent Care Review – 

  • The review took place from 2017-2020
  • It listened to over 5,500 voices, half of which were children & young people who have experienced the care system
  • The conclusion of the review was The Promise – a clear statement of what needs to change to support the lives and wellbeing of our children, young people, adults and families across Scotland 

The Scottish Government aims to ensure that every family that needs support gets the right family support at the right time, to fulfil children’s rights to be raised safely in their own families, for as long as it is needed. This is in line with the National Principles of Holistic Family Support and the ambition set out to #KeepThePromise.

The aim is to shift investment towards early intervention and prevention activities, to ensure families can access support before they reach crisis point.

Dundee Children’s Service Planning Partnership will receive £1.16 million per annum of this funding through to 2026.

Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action, through stakeholder engagement, will be supporting the development of proposals for this fund.

The Phase 1 application process ran from 5th June 2023 through to 17th July 2023.

The Phase 2 application process ran from 25th September 2023 through to 27th October 2023.

Decisions will be made in due course thereafter. If you are unsuccessful in your bid you will be notified by email of this decision.


For any queries email wfwf@dvva.scot or phone 01382 305700

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