Dundee Volunteer & Voluntary Action (“DVVA”) – GDPR Consent for Older People’s Services
General Data Protection Regulations: Protection of your personal data
What information do we require?
Your name, address and contact details
We use and keep your data:
- To deliver our service, specifically to add you to our mailing list, share information about older people’s services with you and to enable you have your say on matters affecting older people
- For statistical reports
- Information we keep about you will be stored securely. It is NOT shared with any third party.
- We will check regularly for your continued consent to use your data for the purposes detailed above. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us.
This information can only be accessed by authorised staff and volunteers who work with DVVA.
Your Rights – You have the right to:
- Opt out
- Have your records deleted
- Have your records amended
- Have a copy of your record
A full privacy statement is available online at: https://dvva.scot/dvva-privacy-statement/.
If you have any questions, or require further information, please email communications@dvva.scot, or write to the Data Protection Officer, Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action, Number Ten, 10 Constitution Road, Dundee, DD1 1LL tel. 01382 305 700