Information & Resources
SCVO – Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
This is the membership organisation for all voluntary organisations, it provides information advice and guidance on the best methods and processes to carry out most activities that an organisation requires to do. Use it to source information and templates for things like constitutions, particularly for Scottish charitable incorporated organisations, SCIOs.
OSCR – Office of Scottish Charity Regulator
This can be used for looking for information about charities, including trustees’ responsibilities. The principles of how charities should operate, restrictions on being a trustee, information about charity accounting principles and a lot more.
This is the national centre for Volunteering and is based in Scotland.
Volunteer Scotland receives funding from the Scottish Government and other bodies to study the impact of volunteering; up to date research on volunteering; develop training, policies, tools and guides; provide an online platform for anyone looking to volunteer as well as providing support to volunteer involving groups and organisations.
Volunteer Scotland oversees volunteering Quality Standards e.g. Volunteer Friendly Award and Investing in Volunteers.
Additional Support Needs
Here are some resources that can be helpful when wanting to better support volunteers with additional support needs. Remember that as an organisation you are not expected to be an expert on every aspect of each additional support need, a person-centred approach is vital for each individual volunteer. Follow link to read on.
Substance Use
Here are some resources that can be helpful when wanting to know more about substance use and how the stigma surrounding substance use can affect everyone. Follow link to read on.
Cost of Living