Social Isolation

Engaging with people who are experiencing or are at risk of experiencing loneliness and isolation.

Social Isolation One Stop Shop

The Social Isolation One Stop Shop will function as a route into the Third Sector for people experiencing frailty who have been assessed as socially isolated or at risk of social isolation. We are inviting referrals of people who do not have critical or substantial need
but would benefit from some lower levels of interventions and support.

Signposting Widely
Whether a person would benefit from support on discharge from hospital, befriending, a morning call, exercise or falls prevention classes, advice services, mental health support, a shopping service, or even just better access to activities in their local community we have detailed local knowledge and relationships with local services that allow for quick and effective referrals that support people to meet their outcomes and improve their health.

Knowledge of the Third Sector
With up to date and evolving knowledge of the third sector and the full range of community resources and support that is available, we will work with individuals to identify their needs and to direct them to appropriate local services that will make a difference to their
quality of life.

With a wide range of services and options available it can be challenging and timeconsuming to locate and refer in to different services in the city. The One Stop Shop will encourage a single, simple referral that can then lead to a variety of
interventions for a person. We will make direct contact with people, building a relationship and finding out what they feel would be important to them in order to create bespoke packages for each individual.

Flexible and Creative
We will constantly be looking to overcome barriers to social inclusion and working with partners across the sector in a variety of ways to creatively meet people’s needs and lead them towards social connection.

Most importantly we will work flexibly and adapt to people’s preferences to ensure that their choices and individual needs are followed up in a personcentred and sensitive way.
For more information or to refer contact please call: 01382 305757

Community Companions

Community Companions is aimed at adults in Dundee who are either experiencing or have the potential to experience social isolation. Each person is matched up to a Community Companion based on personality, hobbies and interest and general living experiences. Community Companions befriend people in many ways for example, visiting them in their own home, accompanying them to social activities or shopping trips, or even a visit to a local café.

The person receiving the companionship can choose how often they require support and what type of support they require.

For more information about the Community Companion Scheme contact or telephone 01382 305736.

Community Companions Video

Community Companion Information

Community Companion Leaflet

Volunteer Application Form with PVG

Social Cafés

The Community Companions is also hosting Social Cafés in Dundee to promote social inclusion within the community. The cafes are open to everyone and provide a welcoming environment for individuals to come together and connect. Everyone is invited to come along and enjoy a free hot drink, snacks, and some fun activities ranging from arts and crafts, gentle exercise, board games, and film afternoons to guest speakers. The cafes are community-led which helps to shape the way individuals in the group like to run them. There is no need to sign up, simply come along, bring a friend with you and join us.

For more information, please contact us at or call 01382 305757.


It’s your call!

DIAL-OP is a telephone based service run by Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action and we support adults who are lonely, isolated or at risk of becoming lonely and isolated.  The service helps people to feel more connected, safer and valued.

Dial-OP Information Line is a one-stop-shop for any information needs. We offer reliable and easy-to-access information to community members, workers and professionals on a range of topics, including social and physical activities available locally, practical help at home, support provision for vulnerable adults, learning and volunteering opportunities, to mention just a few. When advice on a specific area is required, we signpost or refer callers on to the relevant local service or organisation.

So, if you have a query or concern, no matter how big or small, give us a ring and we will be delighted to help.

The Information Line is operational from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm, with an answer machine service out with office hours. If you call and nobody is available, please leave a message and we will get back in touch within 2 working days. Email enquiries can be sent to

Dial-OP Blether Buddies offers friendship through weekly calls provided by our trained and supported volunteers. The calls last from 30 minutes to an hour.

I look forward to them (telephone calls), sometimes it can be the only person you speak to that day” Dial-OP Blether Buddie service user

Dial-OP Morning Call gives a quick scheduled check in call Monday to Friday between 8am and 11am.  Reminders, signposting and onwards referrals are available if required.

Very happy with service – it has helped me keep a routine in my day-to-day life which is very important to me. I feel as though my day starts with my morning call – a lovely beginning to the day.” Dial-OP Morning Call service user

I feel like this is a rock for me as I live on my own” Dial-OP Morning Call service user

We welcome self-referral, referral through family, friends or local services. A referral form can be found below or give us a call and we can post one out to you.

Dial-OP BB & MC Referral eForm

Our Information Helpline and Morning Call services are fully accessible to BSL users through contactSCOTLAND-BSL

BSL users can contact us via contactSCOTLAND BSL, the online British Sign Language interpreting service. Further details available at

Get involved

We are always keen to take new volunteers on board and if you have some time to spare and would like to get involved, with any of the Dial-OP services please download our Volunteer Application below or contact us on 01382 305757 or

Volunteer Application Form

This is a really good way for me to give something back . As I am disabled so I’m able to contribute from my home. I love blethering with people. It’s amazing how a friendship develops with some one, who you have never met, develops over the phone.” Dial-OP Blether Buddie Volunteer

Follow us on social media!

Facebook @DialopDundee       Twitter @DialopDundee

ReDiscover Dundee

ReDiscover Dundee

ReDiscover Dundee is a community-based cycling project helping people to reconnect with greenspaces in Dundee. With a growing fleet of eBikes and eTrikes working from two locations in the city, ReDiscover Dundee is supporting access to cycling options for all. This initiative was launched in December 2018 to encourage individuals and groups, with a particular focus on individuals facing inactivity and isolation, to join in guided rides as an opportunity to enjoy rediscovering their city whilst gaining confidence, being active and feeling supported.

ReDiscover Dundee welcomes anyone to join in no matter what barriers an individual might face. Whether you have poor balance or mobility, chronic pain, or are experiencing a long-term condition, ReDiscover Dundee can help. You can speak to your GP about a Green Health Prescription, or use the registration form linked below to self-refer.

The project offers a 12-week support programme that builds confidence using an eTrike or eBike through 1-2-1 supported sessions before offering the opportunity for a group cycle around Dundee’s beautiful Green Networks. ReDisocver Dundee can connect you to other cycling projects in the city, so if this programme isn’t the right fit we’ll help you find something that works.

For first-time cyclists, and those who are returning to cycling for the first time in years, ReDiscover Dundee can liaise with Cycling Scotland, who can offer Essential Cycling Skills sessions to help participants strengthen their confidence, skills and knowledge.

Community members are also welcome to borrow an eTrike or eBike if they would like to go cycling with their friends and family or to do everyday sustainable journeys through their local greenspaces. ReDiscover Dundee is just one of many nature-based interventions that individuals can access through the Green Health Prescription issued by doctors or allied health professionals in Dundee.

Re-Discover Dundee is managed by the Dundee Green Health Partnership to promote the benefits of our natural environment for health and wellbeing.

For more information, contact or call 01382 305757

To register with ReDiscover Dundee please fill in this form:

ReDiscover Registration Form


Do you enjoy cycling?

Would you be willing to use your experience to become a cycle leader and lead guided rides around various parks in Dundee?

Support and guidance:

We provide full cycle leader training for the role which takes place over two half-day sessions or one full day session and provide reimbursement for out-of-pocket travel.

ReDiscover Dundee Volunteer Role Descriptor

For more information, or to get a volunteer application form, contact or call 01382 305757.

Green Health Prescription

Green Health Prescriptions – How they can help you become healthier

Working with the Green Health Partnership and as part of the wider social prescribing programme within NHS Tayside, Volunteer Dundee is involved in piloting the ‘Green Health Prescription’, a new pathway to make the most out of our Dundee nature-based activities in greenspaces as a health-promoting resource.

The Green Health Prescription can work as an alternative, or complement to, traditional medicine to help you feel better and encourage you to make healthier lifestyle choices, with long term health benefits.

How Can This Help?

Engaging with nature and spending time outdoors is a scientifically proven method to help cope with a large variety of health issues. Being outdoors helps with a range of health issues, including Type 2 Diabetes, COPD, chronic pain or poor mental health, -to mention just a few,- and without any side effects.

Joining in a group can help reduce the need for medication and inspire you to lead a more active and healthier life that can positively affect your health long term. In Dundee we are lucky to have such a wide variety of different groups doing activities in greenspaces and we can help you identify the ones that might work best for you.

What happens next?

You can refer yourself to this service or speak to your GP about it to see if it is right for you.

If this is something you want to learn more about please contact us at

01382 305757 or text/call 0771 996 9229 or at

We will be happy to help you start making healthier choices!


Do you enjoy physical activity and attend any outdoor activities in Dundee?

Would you be willing to use your experience to support others who might be slightly anxious about attending a group on their own, either for a one-off session or over a number of weeks/activities?

Support and guidance:

We provide full training for the role and hold regular group supervision sessions to enable you to reflect on your practice and discuss any issues. We also provide reimbursement for out-of-pocket travel. Please see the Volunteer Role Description below:

GHP Project Role Descriptor

For more information, or to discuss the role with a member of the team, please call, text or email:  01382 305757 or 0771 9969 229

To apply, please fill in this application form:

Green Health Project Volunteer Application Form

This project is funded by Smarter Choices Smarter Places Open Fund, Scottish Natural Heritage and Common Good Fund.

Participation & Engagement (Older People’s Services)

Participation & Engagement (Older People’s Services)

We are part of the Social Isolation team and aim to support older people in Dundee to:

  • Plan, deliver and participate in services and events that matter to them
  • Have their say on local issues that matter to them
  • Access funding for older people’s groups
  • Loan out equipment to older people’s groups in Dundee (see our Loan Equipment List)

For more information on The Social Isolation, Participation and Engagement service, please contact Tel. 01382 305 757

Do you need more information about starting a community group or project?

You can also give us a call on 01382 305705 to talk to a team member about what you would like to do.

Did you know you can also volunteer with us?

If you have additional skills and experience which you feel would benefit our organisations, such as supporting us in our offices, marketing or fundraising or with one of our projects then please get in touch.

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