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Swim Teacher Assistant

Leisure and Culture Dundee

Administration, Sport / Outdoor Activities


There are many and varied reasons that volunteers are an asset to the aquatics programme and we aim to make it as inclusive as possible.

Many children with additional support needs can cope with mainstream swimming lessons with additional support, either in-water or on poolside. Disability swim classes benefit from extra support and a volunteer can make a great difference to the progress these children can make.

Some children, particularly pre-school children, have never been in a swimming pool and volunteers can make a huge difference by helping alleviate their fears.

Organisation aims and objectives

The projects main philosophy has been to create opportunities for children and young people from Dundee’s most deprived areas to participate in physical activity and sport, along with using sport as a tool to raise attainment levels, increase employability prospects and reduce anti-social behaviour levels. The team delivers 6 main programmes; Participation Programme, Diversionary Programme, Learn Thru Sport Programme, Springboard Programme, Volunteer Development Programme and Holiday Programme.


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Minimum of 2 hours per week/6 months commitment


Experience required: Swimming ability and water confidence, good communication skills, enthusiasm for working with disabled children and/or children with additional support needs or fears.

Minimum age: 16


Taster available: No

Training details: Induction will include familiarisation of the facilities as well as the Fire Procedure; support from the Volunteer Co-ordinator and the Aquatic Programme Mentor; opportunities to gain qualifications in swim teaching and pool lifeguarding which may lead to paid employment

Support: Named Contact For Volunteer, Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet

Contact name: Lesley Hendry

Leisure and Culture Dundee
Postcode: DD1 1LL

Do you need more information about starting a community group or project?

You can also give us a call on 01382 305705 to talk to a team member about what you would like to do.

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If you have additional skills and experience which you feel would benefit our organisations, such as supporting us in our offices, marketing or fundraising or with one of our projects then please get in touch.

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